
Friday, May 31, 2019

A Look Into the Human Genome Project :: Science Technology Genetics Papers

A Look Into the Human Genome ProjectWould people buy a set of books that repeated the same four letters in hit-or-miss order page after page? Or would this information be more convenient to the public if on a computer disc? some(prenominal) people would agree with the idea that this set of books would be boring. Surprisingly, America and the rest of the world are buying the information in this set of books. In fact, these books ensure the piece genome. The mapping of the genome (or writing this set of books) is a 15-year project that has brought many ethical issues to attention.History of the Human Genome ProjectThe United States Department of Energy and the internal Institutes of Health joined forces in 1990 to kick off a 15-year effort to reach two destructionsCatalog the genes in human DNA Determine the leash billion bases (the four letters in the set of books) in human DNA that encode for genes (U.S. Dept. of Energy 1998). On the international level, the Human Genome Organ ization (HUGO) was founded. Their refinement is to encourage trading of research findings and techniques (National Reference Center 1998). From the national standpoint it brings back memories of The Manhattan Project. Internationally, this cooperation is unprecedented (Shinn 1996). Before the organization of the Human Genome Project, the Department of Energy had biologists and physicists perusing the Hiroshima survivors. From this data a GenBank was made. This was the first database for DNA sequences (Gert, et al. 1996).Watson, who won the Nobel prize for his discovery of the double helix, was appointed as the first director of the Human Genome Project. He appropriated deuce-ace percent of his budget to ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) involved with the project (Shinn 1996). Even from the beginning it was anticipated that this project could have both positive and negative outcomes.One goal to be reached after five years was to have markers every ten centimorgans (Gert, et al. 1996). This goal was stated in 1991 and achieved in 1994 - a year ahead of instrument - when a map with markers every two to five centimorgans was published (Casey, et al. 1995). Sequencing would then follow with a focus on areas of disease and in reducing human error. The main goal for the next five years would be markers every one centimorgan (Gert, et al. 1996).Technical AspectsIdeally, the final map will have both physiologic and genetic information.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Comparing Female Characters in Euripides Medea and Sophocles Oedipus

Comparing Female Characters in Euripides Medea and Sophocles Oedipus the King and Antigone In the times of the ancient Greeks, women had an unpretentious role. They were expected to do dumbfound on the accepted role of a woman. In most cases, a womans role is restricted to bearing young, raising children, and housework. In Sophocles Oedipus the King, Antigone, and Medea, the dominant female characters wedge upon men with authority and political power. It is an inescapable fate that one of these characters will fall, and that the Gods have control over everyones fate. Each dominant female character portrays her self-command and commitment to their beliefs. This is what leads to the inevitable tragedy. In Oedipus the King, Jocasta, is Oedipus wife and the sister of Creon. She became a part of doomed Theban dynasty when she married Laius, the King of Thebes. As a result, the marriage had brought in concert two branches of the family of Cadmus and seemed to guarantee pol itical strength. She became disappointed because she was unable to produce an heir to the throne. Seeking a solution, Lauis went to the oracle at Delphi and asked how the proble might be overcome. Instead, the oracle proclaimed that the son born to Jocasta would be his murderer. Upon hearing the prophecy, Lauis rejected all women. This infuriated Jocasta and she had gotten Lauis drunk, and slept with him. This proves that Jocasta refuses to be outdone, even by her husband. When Jocasta had given birth to a baby male child (Oedipus), Lauis had it sent away by a messenger to die of exposure high in the mountains. A shepherd discovered the boy ... ...crowd of subservient women. work Cited and Consulted Euripides. Medea. The Norton Anthology of World Masterpieces. Ed. Sarah Lawall. New York and London W. W. Norton & Company, 1999. McDermott, E A (1989) Euripides Medea The Incarnation of Disorder. Pennsylvania State UniversityUSA Woodard, Thomas. Sophocles A Collection o f Critical Essays, Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966. Sophocles. Antigone. Exploring Literature composition and thinking About Fiction,Poetry, Drama, and the Essay. Ed. Joseph Terry. New York Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc, 2001.Sophocles. Oedipus Rex. An Introduction to Literature, 11th ed.Eds. Sylvan Barnet, et al. New York Longman, 1997. Watling, E. F.. Introduction. In Sophocles The Theban Plays, translated by E. F. Watling. New York Penguin Books, 1974.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Distortion of Indonesian Culture :: essays research papers

I.PendahuluanKebudayaan,adalah sebuah pola yang terintegrasi dari pengetahuan manusia, kepercayaan, dan perilaku. Kebudayaan, dapat didefinisikan, berisi bahasa, ide-ide, kepercayaan, kebiasaan,larangan-larangan, hukum,institusi, teknik, hasil karya seni, ritual, seremoni dan komponen lainnya yang terkait. Perkembangan kebudayaan tergantung kepada kapasitas manusia untuk belajar dan menerima pengetahuan yang kemudian diwariskan kepada generasinya.1Dengan melihat kebudayaan, sebagai contoh kebudayaan Jepang, atau kebudayaan Barat dapat dilihat nilai-nilai yang memiliki banyak perbedaan yang dijalankan didalam kedua masyarakat yang disebutkan diatas.Kebudayaan barat membentuk masyarakat yang memiliki keterbukaan, critical thinking, dsb. Di Jepang terbentuk masyarakat yang masih menganggap nilai-nilai luhur nenek moyangnya, dan nilai kekeluargaan sebagai pegangan.Kebudayaan terbentuk melalui pola-pola hidup yang diterapkan oleh masyarakat, yang dipengaruhi oleh kondisi internal dan eks ternal masyarakat itu sendiri. Dalam kondisi internal, bentuk kebudayaan dipengaruhi oleh hubungan kekerabatan, seremonial, bahasa, hukum dsb. Oleh kondisi internal, kebudayaan dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan geografis, dan oleh berbagai faktor, kebudayaan lain yang mempengaruhi kebudayaan tersebut. Kebudayaan yang kemudian membentuk masyarakat selanjutnya. Namun, kebudayaan tidak lantas terus-menerus sebagai panutan statis pembentuk masyarakat tetapi juga dibentuk lagi oleh masyarakat. Hal ini adalah proses kreasi-interaksi antara budaya dan masyarakat. Budaya sangat berpengaruh, budaya mencerminkan pengalaman sejarah suatu bangsa, yang tertanam dalam tradisi mereka, dan membentuk sikap dan pengharapan mereka terhadap dunia. Budaya bisa menjadi pendorong atau beban yang menghambat atau mempercepat perubahan2Dengan membicarakan kebudayaan di Indonesia, cukup rumit memang untuk memahami keseluruhan budaya di Indonesia melihat Indonesia yang multietnis dan multilinguistik, dapat disimpulk an bahwa kebudayaan di Indonesia sangat beraneka ragam dan rumit. Jika ditelusuri lagi, melihat kebudayaan masyarakat Indonesia, berarti kita harus melihat kembali proses sejarah perkembangan suku-bangsa di Indonesia, dari zaman perunggu, besi, zaman pra-tradisonal, zaman tradisional, pra-modern, dan akhirnya masyarakat modern kontemporer yang ada sekarang ini. Masyarakat suku-bangsa di Indonesia telah melewati banyak tahap-tahap kreasi-interaksi kebudayaan seperti yang disebut diatas tersebut. Mulai dari scope internal di antara suku-suku bangsa indonesia sendiri, maupun oleh pengaruh eksternal kebudayaan kolonial yang menjajah bangsa ini selama tiga setengah abad. Kemudian kesadaran para pemuda-pemuda lintas etnik yang menyepakati kesatuan budaya-budaya Indonesia yang beraneka-ragam dalam sumpah pemuda 28 Oktober 1928 dan mencapai puncaknya pada kemerdekaan bangsa ini sebagai suatu bangsa yang berdaulat penuh. Namun dinamika kebudayaan Indonesia tidak sampai di sini, masyarakat ko ntemporer Indonesia masih mempengaruhi kebudayaan Indonesia masa mendatang yang memang tetap rumit.Apa yang akan saya angkat pada essai singkat saya tentang kebudayaan Indonesia adalah sedikit dari kerumitan yang ada dalam kebudayaan Indonesia dalam interaksinya dengan masyarakat lain yang memiliki kebudayaan yang lain pula. Pada essai ini saya menanggap bahwa kebudayaan Indonesia telah sangat terdistorsi oleh kebudayaan lain yang mempengaruhi kebudayaan dasar bangsa Indonesia yang baik,seperti budaya gotong-royong, kekeluargaan dan sebagainya.

Search for Innocence in American Modernism Essay -- Literature Essays

Search for Innocence in American Modernism American Literature from its very beginning has been centered around a theme of innocence. The Puritans wrote ab step to the fore abandoning the corruption of Europe to find innocence in a new world. The Romantics saw innocence and power in nature and much wrote of escaping from civilization to return to nature. After the Civil War, however, the innocence of the nation is challenged. The Realists focused on the loss of innocence and in Naturalist works innocence is broadly gone. During these periods of American Literature it seems almost as if a repair was being dug, a sort of emptying of innocence, and after World War I the Modernists called this hole the wasteland Many Modernist works focus on society lost in the wasteland, but they hint at a way out. The path out of the wasteland is through a return to innocence. This is evident in the Modernist works of The wasteland by T. S. Eliot, Directive by Robert Frost, Babylon Revisited by F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Hills Like White Elephants by Earnest Hemingway as will be shown in an analysis of the inhabitants of the wasteland and their search for innocence, the role of children and pregnancy in the wasteland, and the symbolism of water and rebirth. But forward I go on, I believe that I should first clarify what I conceive by a return to innocence. First, there is some perplexity between innocence and ignorance. They are often used interchangeably. Because a person is innocent, it does not mean that he or she is unaware of reality. Innocence is almost the likes of a different type of view. A child and an adult may interpret a single thing entirely differently, but this does not mean that the adult knows more about that thing. Innocence is open ... ...ed society and only through the return of innocence can there be hope of anything better. working Cited Eliot, T.S. The wasteland. In The Heath Anthology of American Literature, Volume II. Edited by Paul Lauter et al. Lexington, MA D.C. Heath and Company, 1991 1447-1463. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. Babylon Revisited. In The Heath Anthology of American Literature, Volume II. Edited by Paul Lauter et al. Lexington, MA D.C. Heath and Company, 1991 1471-1485. Frost, Robert. Directive. In The Heath Anthology of American Literature, Volume II. Edited by Paul Lauter et al. Lexington, MA D.C. Heath and Company, 1991 1208-1209. Hemingway, Ernest. Hills Like White Elephants. In The Heath Anthology of American Literature, Volume II. Edited by Paul Lauter et al. Lexington, MA D.C. Heath and Company, 1991 1471-1485.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Christian Bible, the Hebrew Scripture, The Muslim Koran Essay

The Christian Bible, the Hebrew Scripture, The Muslim Koran Words are Not Important, Our Actions Are Matt 133 He told them many things in parables.1310 Why do you talk to them in parables?Thats the crucial question Did God, should God, have intended direct and closing communication with us? If so, Jesus certainly failed his mission. There is little evidence that Jesus appearance cleared anything up or gave us God directly. Wittgenstein, who wanted our diction to be clear, knows well enough that neither the Hebrew nor the Christian Gods words could fall within his constructed linguistic net. They would always come from outside, from the mystical. Thus, where our clarified language is concerned, never the twain shall meet. Then, was Jesus really a proto-Wittgenstein? Did he use parables as an obscure vehicle for speech which alone might bridge the gap for us between our languages and the mystical always outside of it? The Christian Bible, the Hebrew Scripture, The Muslim Koran - or a ny religions sacred texts for that matter, will remain controversial that still important avenues for divine communication. Somehow all religious faith lies locked up in non-direct discourse. How, then, can we claim to hear the word of God or gods, as many claim to do? Well, in the first place, we know that we will never all hear exactly the same sacred speech, sympathise it in unison, or respond to it in the same way. For all that our enlightened scholars of sacred texts may provideand there probably are more misreadings of a text than can be recognizedthe Modern-Enlightenment goal to clear up all variant interpretations of a text will fail, due to the impossibility of trammel living gods to our attempted literal interp... ...nce.I created through my word I communicate spiritually through inspired words but the creation of the earthly concern and your world could only be accomplished by the release of power and love as directed by my word. However, now words can be just as dec eptive as insightful, and so I judge much more by the acts of loveor of diabolicalreleased on others by your words of love or hate. At the end of clock, you may also judge me, not so much by words, since there comes a time beyond which words are not decisive or effective. Judge me, then, not by the words heard from any religious seer or prophet, no matter if they have been crucial in guiding you in the path of righteousness, but by my powerful acts that will recast the world, bring evil under final control, and so grant new life to the deserving who have held the faith and tried to act as instructed. Thus saith the Lord

The Christian Bible, the Hebrew Scripture, The Muslim Koran Essay

The Christian Bible, the Hebrew Scripture, The Muslim Koran Words are Not Important, Our Actions Are Matt 133 He told them umpteen things in parables.1310 Why do you talk to them in parables?Thats the crucial question Did God, should God, have intended direct and final communication with us? If so, messiah certainly failed his mission. There is little evidence that Jesus appearance cleared anything up or gave us God directly. Wittgenstein, who wanted our language to be clear, knows advantageously enough that neither the Hebrew nor the Christian Gods linguistic communication could fall within his constructed linguistic net. They would always come from outside, from the deep. Thus, where our clarified language is concerned, never the twain shall meet. Then, was Jesus really a proto-Wittgenstein? Did he use parables as an obscure vehicle for speech which alone might bridge the gap for us between our languages and the mystical always outside of it? The Christian Bible, the Hebrew S cripture, The Muslim Koran - or any religions sacred texts for that function, will remain controversial but still consequential avenues for divine communication. Somehow all religious faith lies locked up in non-direct discourse. How, then, force out we claim to hear the word of God or gods, as some claim to do? Well, in the first place, we know that we will never all hear exactly the same sacred speech, interpret it in unison, or respond to it in the same way. For all that our enlightened scholars of sacred texts may provideand there probably are more misreadings of a text than can be recognizedthe Modern-Enlightenment goal to clear up all variant interpretations of a text will fail, due to the impossibility of confining living gods to our try literal interp... ...nce.I created through my word I communicate spiritually through inspired words but the creation of the universe and your world could still be accomplished by the release of power and mania as directed by my word. H owever, now words can be just as deceptive as insightful, and so I judge much more by the acts of loveor of evilreleased on others by your words of love or hate. At the end of time, you may also judge me, not so much by words, since there comes a time beyond which words are not decisive or effective. Judge me, then, not by the words heard from any religious seer or prophet, no matter if they have been crucial in guiding you in the path of righteousness, but by my powerful acts that will recast the world, bring evil under final control, and so grant new life to the deserving who have held the faith and tried to act as instructed. Thus saith the Lord

Monday, May 27, 2019

Dr. Johnson’s Criticism of Shakespeare Essay

Samuel Johnson (1709-1784), a flamboyant and versatile scholar, expresses his view of Shakespeare in his edition of Shakespeares plays which are enriched by his prefaces. But like other critics he does not eulogize the poet on the contrary, he dwells on the faults in his plays. He shows a very balanced and unbiased mind capable of judging the merits and demerits of his plays without universe influenced by the h every last(predicate)ow effect. He reads neither to admire everything, nor does he contradict his excellence he performs the task of weighing and considering what he reads and offers his comments which have a honorable bias. In The Preface to Shakespeare he admires him as the poet of nature, not of learning the creator of characters who spring to life and a writer whose kit and boodle express the full divagate of human passions (Norton.1255)His judgment of Shakespeare has both the positive and the negative aspects and he does not indulge in bardolatry like other critics. H e believes that dead writers are unnecessarily glorified and the living ones are neglected. He rightly says, The great contention of criticism is to find the faults of the moderns and the beauties of the ancients. (Norton.1256) He also advocates the critical theory that an author bath be evaluated only by comparing his works with others, so in the production of genius, nothing can be styled excellent till it has been compared with other works of the same kind. (Norton.1256) He also upholds the view that a literary work can be called great only when it has stood the test of time.He thinks, Shakespeare is, above all writers, at least above all modern writers, the poet of nature, the poet that holds up to his contributors a faithful mirror of manners and of life. (Norton.1257) It is difficult to surpass this succinct summing up of Shakespeares genius. But Johnson disparages the uncritical acceptance of Shakespeare as perfect he points out his faults as well, without undermining his g enius.Johnson praises Shakespeares cheat of characterization highlighting their variety, depth, credibility and the power of delighting his readers. employ his comparative method, he observes, they are the genuine progeny of common humanity In the writings of other poets a character is too often an individualistic in those of Shakespeare it is commonly a species. (Norton.1257) The characters and the situations are so impressive because Shakespeare has no heroes, his scenes are occupied only by men, who act and speak as the reader thinks that he should himself have spoken or acted on the same occasion(Norton.1258) This culminates in his view, his drama is the mirror of life. (Norton.1258)Being a believer in instructive function of literature, he appreciates how his plays are full of practical axioms and domestic wisdom (Norton.1257) but for the same reason he criticizes him when it is absent, He sacrifices virtue to convenience, and is so often more careful to please than to ins truct that he seems to write without any moral purpose. (Norton.1259) It is clear that he does not believe in art for arts sake like Oscar Wilde and Walter Pater. Johnson vainly castigates Shakespeare for not being a moralist, he that thinks reasonably, must think morally, but his precepts and axioms drop casually from him he makes no just distribution of good or evil (Norton.1259)

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Quantitative risk assessment Essay

Monte-Carlo simulation is carried out utilize a large number of computations, using a computer, with random inputs. This method is particularly useful when it comes to predicting the outcome a complex eventuality. Typic whollyy, the Monte-Carlo simulation is useful when predicting the outcome of a large number inter-related factors that are indeterminate. Predictivity using Monte-Carlo simulation is far to a greater extent accurate where variables under consideration are many, uncertain and random.For this particular reason, using Monte-Carlo simulation for this study is the best pickaxe as there are many uncertain factors that need to be analyzed for computing a stake assessment. In this study, the first step begins with the output signal of meat and ends with health effects that meat can probably induce in consuming subjects. There is a large interplay of uncertain factors, and the entire intellectual nourishment chain model proposed in the study has inherent variability acr oss most levels. 2. What comment would you collect about the source of data use for the assimilation of E.coli in cattle feces? Prevalence and submersion of E. Coli in cattle fecal study was used to assess the level of befoulment of the meat. The level of contamination of the meat is a pointer to the probable exposure that a consuming subject could possibly have, to E. Coli. Concentration of E. Coli in cattle fecal matter is nowadays related to factors like seasonality, geographical properties, and feeding practices. However, the data related to concentration of E. Coli in the cattle fecal matter was constructed without consideration for these factors.Data used for concentration of E. Coli in fecal matter was obtained using enrichment methods. The results show a wide bipolar variation, from as low as undetectable E. Coli levels to as much as 5. 0 log10 CFU/g. The data for prevalence of E. Coli in cattle fecal matter was obtained from previously held studies. However, only data from those studies was used, that primarily aimed at detecting E. Coli prevalence rank in cattle fecal matter for beef that was supposedly slated for human consumption. 3. What comment would you make about the following modeling the distri besidesion of feces on remains as Uniform? Slaughtering invariably causes the fecal matter to come in contact with the meat. Skinning a trunk will lead to contamination of loose meat due to contact with the hide. Although, fecal matter is the main source of bacterial reservoir, the nature and number of agents that can directly or indirectly introduce as contaminating agents is uncertain. However, the concentration of E. Coli in fecal matter is directly proportional to the extent of meat contamination.The distribution of fecal matter on carcass surface is uneven. A dilution factor was used as a model simplification. modeling fecal contamination only on the carcass surface? As a fact, E. Coli are present in the fecal matter but not inside red meat. Contamination of red meat, therefore, occurs only when fecal matter comes in contact with it. This will usually happen during slaughtering, and the following processes like packaging and trimming. For this reason fecal contamination has been modeled only on the carcass surface. 4.Briefly (less than 500 words), discuss the practicalities and likely success of implementing each of the proposed hypothetical mitigation strategies in the paper. The author has proposed three hypothetical jeopardize mitigation strategies for risk reduction. However, the strategies have been proposed to reduce risk as per mentioned figures, assuming that the strategy is being implemented and the desired goal is being achieved. For instance, the first strategy of regulating terminal temperature control norms shows a reduced risk to over 80%.Practically, this strategy can indeed cause a large risk reduction but a protocol will need to be developed that incorporates all the levels of the proposed beef -cold-chain, starting right from the farm to the retailer. Even with a concrete legislature to make sure this strategy works, it needs to be evaluated how far would this strategy prove to be practically enforceable. With definite legislature, a good compliance can be expected out of this strategy and apparently this strategy is far to a greater extent practicable, and could prove successful.Pre-slaughter screening proposes to reduce risk by over 46%. However, more variables like feeding practices, geographical locations, and seasonal variation (that affect E. Coli fecal load) need to considered, before a definite control level can be instated to rule out slaughters for animals that have more than a certain level of bacterial fecal concentration. The consumer information program, although with a risk reduction of 16%, is surely a very important level wherein proper intervention can dramatically decrease E.Coli related health morbidity. Even though anticipated risk reduction is only 16%, simple measures like adequate promotional tools, could significantly increase risk reduction through mass communication the biggest limitation however, is that compliance in this case cannot be ascertained, nor enforceable. Keeping in mind the practical limitations of each of these strategies, a prudent approach would involve application of all the three strategies in conjunct, to ensure greater risk reduction.A good reason for this approach is that due to the uncertain nature of all the factors involved in E. Coli contamination and delivery to consuming host, it appears quite difficult to determine the individual potency of each of these factors, and they would easily remain relative values. Evaluation of MRSA Select, a raw(a) chromogenic medium for the detection of emaciated carriage of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus 1. What is the gold standard used to assess the sensitivity and specificity etc. of the divers(prenominal) diagnostic tests?The sensitivity and specificity of a particular diagnostic test needs to be estimated before the test under consideration can be employed for practical purposes, to ensure that the results obtained are accurate, and of consequence. A gold standard, hence, is an absolute, against which results from a particular diagnostic test are compared. The gold standard, also called as the standard frame of reference, is a spotless test for the given condition, and is 100% sensitive and specific as well. 2. Is the gold standard the same for all of the tests? Within the context of this paper, the gold standard used is same for all the tests.The gold standard used is identification of methicillin resistant S. Aureus, from nasal swabs of patients, confirmed for the mecA gene using PCR. 3. Can the tests be compared in this style? Yes, the tests can be compared this way. The same samples (n) were subjected to different growth mediums, to ascertain the presence of MRSA. All these media were specifically designed to pro mote the growth of MRSA. Hence, depending on the growths shown by these different media, results can be drawn and compared. 4. Are the authors conclusions valid? I think that the authors conclusions are valid.Although, PCR will remain the gold standard in ascertaining presence of MRSA, the application of this procedure, to remain practically enforceable, is quite limiting. For instance, considering the sheer number of samples that an urban community hospital has to handle on a daily basis, using PCR for all instances may not be feasible all the times. In this circumstance, using simple tissue culture techniques would definitely prove to be more desirable, especially with faster results and low costs like using the MRSA Select that will give results within 24 hours with a sensitivity and specificity over 99%.Moreover, simplicity of the test requires no complex skill set, especially compared with handling PCR techniques. References 1. Fishman, G. S. (1995). Monte Carlo Concepts, Algor ithms, and Applications. New York Springer 2. Bell, B. P. , Goldoft, M. , Griffin, P. M. , Davis, M. S. , Gordon, D. C. , Tarr, P. I. , Bartleson, C. A. , Lewis, J. H. , Barret, T. J. , Wells, J. G. , Baron, R. , Kobayashi, J. , (1994). A multistate outbreak of Escherichia coli O157H7-associated bloody diarrhea and hemolytic uremic syndrome from hamburgers the Washington experience.J. Am. Med. Assoc. 3. Vose, D. , (1996). Quantitative risk analysis A guide to Monte Carlo simulation modelling. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester England. 4. USDAAPHISVS. , 1994a. E. coliO157H7 issues and ramifications. Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health, U. S. Department of Agriculture, citadel Collins, CO. 5. Gehlbach SH. (1993) Interpretation sensitivity, specificity, and predictive value. In Gehlbach SH, ed. Interpreting the medical literature. New York McGraw-Hill 6. Apfalter P, Assadian O, Kalczyk A, et al. (2002) Performance of a new chromogenicoxacillin resistance screen medium (Oxoid) in the detection and probable identification of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis4420911. 7. Murakami K, Minamide W, Wada K, Nakamura E, Teraoka, H, Watanabe S. (1991) Identification of methicillin-resistant strains of staphylococci by polymerase chain reaction. J Clin Microbiol2922404. 8. Safdar N, Narans L, Gordon B, Maki DG. (2003) Comparison of culture screening methods for detection of nasal carriage of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus a prospective study comparing 32 methods. J Clin Microbiol4131636.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Climate Change Migration

IDEM reported that disasters such as floods, storms and earthquakes triggered the displacement of over 15 million, more than 90% of which were related to modality or extreme digest events. Displacement related to slow-onset disasters, Including drought and long-term processes of environmental degradation and habitat loss displace many more, but Is UN-quantified.International Organization for Migration The links between climate change and migration, however, argon complicated and still poorly understood. Such changes are rarely unique drivers of population escapement. They are one significant determinant, in association with economic, social and political factors, and usually linked to existing vulnerabilities. bandage the growth of environmental refugees has been the most significant in sub-Sahara Africa, former(a) sports stadiums are also at heavy risk.Areas at risk that have been identified include Yemen, China, Louisiana, deprecate, Jackrabbit, Bangladesh. Yemen may run out of water, China Is affected by the expansion of Gobo desert, Louisiana and Alaska are losing land to the sea at about 3 meters per year, Devalue or Jackrabbit are among the cost threatened, as they are situated only centimeters above water and Bangladesh may lose one-fifth of Its surface area due to rolling sea levels.Terrible predictions on environmental forced migration have been suggested also for other areas of the world, including Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Turkey, Vietnam, Niger, Ghana, Ecuador, Mexico, Argentina etc Regional Academy on the united Nations Climate refugees in the 21st century December 2012 report Case Study 1 Somalia While the crisis that hit Somalia in 2011 was generally attributed to drought, other intriguing factors included ongoing conflict, violence and restrictions on aid organizations to operate In militia-controlled areas.More than 300,000 Somalis fled during the year, mostly to Ethiopia and Kenya, bringing the arrive of Somali refugees estimated that almost one third of Somalias population of 7. 5 million has been displaced. Case study II Devalue. A nation in Gods Hands The fictitious character with the small coral atoll nation of Devalue might be a perfect example to see the question with the climate refugees from a really deferential perspective.A Polynesian island state that consists f nine separate islands in the South Pacific Ocean spread over a very large area with only about 10,000 inhabitants in total has been attracting a lot of attention with its unique situation associated with climate change and the sea-level rise. Devalue belongs to the group of countries comprised all told of low-lying islands and atolls the highest point of the country is only 4. 6 meters above the sea level which evidently makes the sea-level rise a major concern for the Devaluation population. jibe to some estimation, there Is about a 68% probability of the sea level change between . And 2. 7 mm/year. Some researchers state that Devalu e will be practically resources. Having no surface rivers, streams or lakes, the inhabitants only option is to rely on rainwater. Therefore, long draughts (that have been more normal in recent years) can be catastrophic to the nation. Observers state that land loss, shoreline retreat and coastal erosion are already affecting beach flora and mangrove forest in Devalue. At the same time, saline contamination of freshwater will affect human health, increasing chances of diseases. Devaluations deeply attached to replacement land, families and culture and reluctant to leave their country.The UN does not consider Devaluations as refugees. Despite all the discussions on how important it is to fill the gaps in the foreign legal regimen affecting forcibly displaced persons, the measures of the UN regarding the case with Devalue have been seen as ineffective. It has also been complicated by the fact that the position of the Devaluation government has resisted the inclusion of relocation in international agreements and has been stating a couple of times that Devaluations will remain in Devalue and were ailing the developed countries to reduce their emissions.Regardless of that aid Devalue is receiving from the ELI, it is notable that Europe is more less keen on cooperation and usually doesnt support Devalue when it is concerned with the emissions cuts and for taking responsibility for the climate change. The main difficulty in framing the affair is the normative gap in the legal framework as this category of people is yet not recognized under the international law. Another breastwork is the institutional gap, as there is no body currently mandated with responsibility for climate-induced displacement.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Reading response on education and communication Essay

In education settings, communication is an substantial role in affecting the fates of students, speci each(prenominal)y in a multi-ethnic and multi- heathen setting. Analyzing and up these communications in schools that comprise of an ethnically diverse student body as well as improving the communications is in the best interest of shaping the academic future and sealing the academic fate for these students. This is because these communications, as in negative perceptions and stereotypes, may negatively affect the performance. Therefore, designing a communication system that supports equity as well as enhancing the full human talent development of all students and all groups of students, is important.Discussion In matters of diversity and equity, communication is face real-time dilemmas. These issues atomic number 18 such as direct quotes made by large number, which in essence are mere stereotypes. In most cases, people make direct assumptions and claims about a certain culture and its orientation on education (Pollock, 37). Some people will claim that Asian parents take education seriously, and cheer on their children, and that is the reason Asian students are likely to perform excellently. In the same cultural stereotype, it is argued that black and Latino parents are not so concerned with matters of education, hence their children do not do well in school. Getting to go bad these claims is an important factor to changing communications into positive communication that supports equity. The key strategy is analyzing the nouns, which are the subjects of the stereotypes and overstatements. An understanding of the groups under criticism is important (Darder, 250). This is through asking the critics to analyze the subjects. This encourages attacking the script and not the speakers. Since these claims often misstate average patterns, it is important, to for example look at the struggling lives of Asian in America as a factor before judging their perception on education.Conclusion Most importantly, a critical analysis on the cultures is key to understanding their behaviors, and this will financial aid even teachers and student equally in adopting communications modes that promote unity, as well as enhance an equal opportunity for the nurturing and development of human talent.ReferencesDarder, Antonia. assimilation and Difference Critical Perspectives on the Bicultural Experience in the United States. Westport, Conn Bergin & Garvey, 1995. Print.Pollock, Mica. Everyday Antiracism Getting Real About Race in School. rude(a) York New Press, 2008. Internet resource.Source document

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Applying Criminology in Everyday Lives Essay

Criminology deals with the study of sorrys and criminal behavior, however, criminologists try to build theories that answer why crimes occur and test those theories by observing behavior (Lynch, 2006). There hold back been mevery theories why people commit crimes but the most sought after of all areas of criminology is fresh crime. Juvenile crime is constantly increasing in the society. In law, juvenile crime comprises various offenses committed by children or y exposehs under the legal age of 18 and is also called juvenile delinquency (Samentz, 2006). whiz very good example is the situation described. Assuming I am a parent of a 16 year old boy and I find my newss ace inside the house where the door has been ajar. The boy is caught in the act of spirit through the kitchen drawer and says that he is looking for a paper and a pencil to leave a note for my son. However, on the counter next to him are a lock-pick and nigh jewelry be to me, the boy smelling of marijuana. afterwa rd which he leaves the house. such action is positively thieving even if the boy denies it. And the boy is probably using dangerous drugs. The instance is definitely a type of juvenile crime. What would I do then? The first thing that comes to mind is to talk to my son and try to find out about his friend and most especially about him. I leave behind ask him if he knows that his friend is using dangerous drugs and is even stealing from people. If he says he does not know about it, then I will narrate to him what I have regainn and try to see his reaction about it.By looking at the way he reacts from his friends story, I will know if he really is telling the truth. I will crystallise if he does the same things his friend does since he is my son and knows him much. If he seems to know the truth then I will warn him to stay away from his friend lest he become influenced with overdue habits. If he seems to be involved in his friends run-down acts, then I will give him some kind of punishment and try to extinguish such habits by offering alternative hobbies such as sports and music.Bestowing punishment to my son is a way of deterring delinquency. Such concept of punishment can be of the concept of general deterrence, specific deterrence and situational crime prevention. The concept of general deterrence states that the choice to commit delinquent acts can be controlled by the threat of punishment (Wadsworth, 2005, p. 53). On the other hand, according to the concept of specific deterrence, if a young offender is punished intemperately the experience will convince him not to commit the crime (Wadsworth, 2005, p. 56).Situational crime prevention however is slightly related with punishment. In this concept, delinquency is made much difficult and less profitable by tight security such as using surveillance and street lighting (Wadsworth, 2005, p. 58). After talking to my son about the incident regarding his friend, a visit to the police station near the neighbo rhood will be appropriate to find out if the boy has any criminal records or any juvenile delinquency records. If so, Ill try to find the parents of the boy to try to talk to them about the status of their son.I will narrate the incident to the parents while simultaneously observing if there are any clues as to why the boy has the tendency to be delinquent. It is found in studies that children of deviant parents are more likely to become delinquent (Wadsworth, 2005, p. 64). Thus, the social factor of the boys delinquency can be rooted on the way he was reared. If the parents of the child agree to do something about their childs delinquency, then I can find a way to serve well them cope with the steps needed to correct the acts.I can even find a way to recommend a social worker specializing in such cases if the parents themselves dont know what to do about it. If the parents however, are not convinced of their sons behavior and that the boy has some criminal records at the police st ation, then I will go back to them, this time bringing a police officer with me. This is highly recommended if I see hints of deviance from the parents themselves such as parents having criminal records or parents who have been jobless for a long time and are not doing anything about it, much more if the other children of the parents are also delinquent youth.The police officer will explain the situation about their son and so, try to find solution regarding the case. After all these things, I will then suggest to the police to monitor the whereabouts of the boy so that he will not commit any delinquent acts anymore. Furthermore, I will continue to supervise on my own sons whereabouts and actions to prevent him from delinquent tendencies. Another way of preventing delinquency of the youth in our community should also be developed and initiated.Such activities as sports tournaments and plays may be appropriate. There have been many theories that attempt to figure out the causes of ju venile delinquency usually focusing on the individual and the society (Samentz, 2006). By finding the root causes of juvenile delinquency, solutions are formulated to deter such actions. It is the province of each citizen to participate in this endeavor. Such situation as discussed above is one way of helping in the prevention of juvenile delinquency.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Job satisfaction in an mnc

IntroductionJob merriment is an of import subject to cover with in the relation of gentleman resource direction. The of import function of human resource revolves around the chief facet of supplying the craft blessedness to the employees. Assorted economic experts have mentioned the occupation satisfaction in different ways because of its different behavior. In my research, this is the firebird subject to be discussed and I give seek to heighten the points to be considered while doing the policies for a occupation for any gay employee.Job satisfaction is one of the most widely discussed and enthusiastically studied concepts. However, occupation satisfaction is among the most hard concepts to specify. The assorted definitions of occupation satisfaction found it clear that different research feeders have different sentiments about occupation satisfaction. Harmonizing to Wood ( 1973 ) , occupation satisfaction is the status of contentment with one s work and its environment, d enoting a positive attitude. Locke ( 1976 ) stated that occupation satisfaction could be viewed as a pleasurable or positive emotional province ensuing from the assessment of one s occupation or occupation experiences.Other pointed out that occupation satisfaction was merely a map of the grade to which a occupation provided the worker with positively values results. Wanous ( 1980 ) said that occupation satisfaction was a lucifer between a individual s demand and the support received from work performed in an organisation.Job satisfaction signifiers an built-in constituent of the complex system of overall satisfaction. Fixing the preset characteristics of occupation satisfaction is a key aim of any HR policy. The HR executives are responsible for accomplishing those policies and therefore, taking the growing in the company along with the occupation satisfaction.The Purpose of the StudyThe intent to labor this subject is to analyse the importance of occupation satisfaction in Mult i National Companies ( MNCs ) . The ground to travel for MNCs is the addition in the displacement over of the employees for future growing. The shifting, therefore, includes the satisfaction in the given occupation function. Through my research, I will seek to analyse the causes and consequence relationship between the employee and the factors behind occupation satisfaction in a given MNC.Aim of the StudyThe chief purpose of the survey is to look into the remains taking to negative and positive occupation satisfaction in a MNC.The Aims of the StudyThe cardinal aims of the chosen subject areEstimating the causes of employee attitudes.Declaring the consequences of positive or negative occupation satisfactionMeasuring the employee attitudeTo measure facet-specific degrees of occupation satisfactionTo mensurate general occupation satisfaction,Literature ReviewThere are several case for analyzing occupation satisfaction. Organizations step occupation satisfaction uncomplicated because of its presumed direct relationship to the short-run ends of cost decrease through increased single productiveness and diminish absenteeism, mistakes, and dissatisfaction have been found to be related to occupation turnover, absenteeism and tardiness.Employee turnover rates have been the most restraints step associated with occupation satisfaction ( Atchison & A Lofferts, 1972 Brayfield & A Crockett, 1955l Dawis & A Lofquist, 1981 ) . Mowday ( 1984 ) recapitulate the likely pessimistic significance of employee turnover in footings of the impact on organisations. There are assorted impacts of pessimism in occupation satisfaction on the turnover of the company such asAddition in the enlisting cost.Enrolling new employees and so developing them every bit good.It can take to lessen societal dealingss ships among employees.No or merely few public dealingss.Decrease in company s chances which can halter the growing.Harmonizing to Lawler ( 2005 ) , the research grounds clearly shows that employees determinations about whether they will acquire to work on any given twenty-four hours and whether they will discontinue are effected by their feelings of occupation satisfaction. The fact that present satisfaction influences future absenteeism and turnover clearly indicates the causal way is from satisfaction to behavior .There is a correlativity between occupation satisfaction and variables such as accomplishment, acknowledgment, the work itself, duty, advancement, policy and disposal, working conditions, supervising, occupation activities and gender.Research MethodologySaunders et Al ( 2005 ) Research design is the agreement of conditions for aggregation and analysis of informations in a mode that aims to unite relevancy to the research intent with economic system in procedure .The research to be followed is a bit-by-bit procedure. This makes the full research procedure systematic. Merely primary research shall be used to pull illations. The beginnings used shall b e of international reputation and will be trusty. The chief beginning will be causa survey and besides some books, diaries, articles and publications including Internet beginnings.MentionsAdams, J. S. ( 1963 ) . Toward an apprehension of unfairness. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67 ( 5 ) , 422-436.Bedeian, A. G. , Ferris, G. R. , & A Kacmear, K. M. ( 1992, February ) . Age, term of office, and occupation satisfaction A narrative of two positions. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 33-48.Brayfield, A. H. , & A Crockett, W. H. ( 1955 ) . Employee attitudes and employee public presentation. Psychological Bulletin, 52, 396-424.Bruce, W. M. , & A Blackburn, J. W. ( 1992 ) . Balancing occupation satisfaction and public presentation. Westport, CT Quorum Books.Carrell, M. , & A Elbert, N. ( 1974 ) . round personal and organisational determiners of occupation satisfaction of postal clerks. Academy of Management Journal, 17 ( 2 ) , 368-373.Cherrington, D. , Nyal, D. , & A McM ullin, B. ( 1989 ) . Organizational behaviour. Needham Heights, MA Allyn and Bacon.Cook, J. D. , Hepworth, S. J. , Wall, T. D. , & A Warr, P. B. ( 1981 ) . The experience of work A collection and reappraisal of 249 steps and their usage. New York Academic Press, Inc.Cranny, C. J. , Smith, P. C. , & A Stone, E. F. ( 1992 ) . Job satisfaction How people feel about their occupations and how it affects their public presentation. New York Lexington Books.Fisher, C. D. ( 1980 ) . On the equivocal wisdom of anticipating occupation satisfaction to correlate with public presentation. Academy of Management Review, 5 ( 4 ) , 607-612.Gable, R. K. , & A Wolf, M. B. ( 1993 ) . Instrument development in the affectional force field ( 2nd ed. ) . Norwell, MA Kluver Academic Publishers.Glisson, C. , & A Durick, M. ( 1988 ) . Forecasters of occupation satisfaction and organisational committedness in human service organisations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 33 ( 1 ) , 61-81.Golding, J. , Res nick, A. , & A Crosky, F. ( 1983 ) . Work satisfaction as a map of gender and occupation position. Journal of Applied Psychology, 60 ( 3 ) , 313-317.Grau, M. R. ( 1997 ) . An probe of the job-related stressors of section presidents in a selected community college system. ( Doctoral Dissertation, Texas Southern University, 1997 ) . Dissertation Abstracts International, 58, 3379.Gruneberg, M. M. ( 1979 ) . Understanding occupation satisfaction. New York The Macmillan Press, Ltd.Hackman, J. R. , & A Oldham, G. R. ( 1975 ) . Development of the Job Diagnostic Survey. Journal of Applied Psychology, 60 ( 2 ) , 159-170 Applied Psychology, 49 ( 3 ) , 209-216.Hulin, C. L. , & A Smith, P. C. ( 1964 ) . Sexual activity differences in occupation satisfaction. Journal of Applied Psychology, 48 ( 2 ) , 88-92.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Black Women’s Feminism and Literature Essay

nasty Women, the term often denotes the black skinned people, particularly those who are based on the African region. Though various famous writers who shed their words as bloods and fought against the injustice that where happening against the black people, Maya Angelou was one curious person. She concentrated more towards the women sector, as she is a more sensitive and phenomenal woman by herself. One innate quality of her is that she is invariably proud to trip up her as a woman. Most of her literary works focus towards bringing revolution in the society, in particular for women.Black women faced lots of troubles receivable to inequality and racial discrimination and to overcome all these were formed the National Black Feminism Organisation (NBFO). All women from this organisation fought for achieving equality and power for the blacks. some(prenominal) social, political and feminist movements where held to support the black women. This seriousness of problem was not only be cause of inequality faced by the black women. They were also cheaply push button to sexism by the men of other class.It is a undoubted fact that writers are the most expressive and understanding people more than others, and they have a different synthetical perspective towards anything they perceive. That is why writers, especially female writers focus more towards the welfare of women and it is absolutely undeniable that women deserve all these special benefits and considerations. I, out of personal experience, owe my fullest respect to the women I personally lived my life with. It is none other than my precious mother. I would say women scarify the best air to offer the best things for others.She is the constituent model in my life and she has moulded me in a very adorable way and what I am today is just what she blessed me with. I always bow my head to the precious gift god gave me. Women are always the best examples in various fields, and if no women, there is nothing pleasa nt in the world. African American Women, though has faced lot of struggles and obstacles, have managed to successfully overcome all of them. Today, in this 21st century, we can see various women from the Black history to be successful shining in all fields.Our dearest writer Maya Angelou is one such person, and the list may extend up to Daisy Bates, who is a revolutionary journalist and an active member of civil rights. Maya has sculpted the pain of the black women in each of her works and this has also been a reason for the revolution. It testament definitely not be hype when we say black women have contributed a lot to the global culture. One main reason for this could be their metro and withstanding capacity towards all the obstacles and humiliation they happened to come across.They used their power wisely in overcoming all this struggles. If they would have felt the troubles a big burden for them, accordingly they would definitely have gone invisible to all of them. But, they stood up sturdy against all these racism and sexism issues. They made use of their strengths and powers in a constructive way by initiating various activist movements and fighting for the law. They proved that they deserve the equal rights and power and they are no way lesser than other society women. days when women thought themselves as victims have gone beyond the mountains and like a shot women overcome the struggles by exhibiting their talents and traits. Participation of women in all fields is drastically increasing and now there is no field you can observe that women cannot be a part of it. Women prove that they are always the winners, be it any discipline. References http//www. poemhunter. com/poem/phenomenal-woman/ http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Black_feminism http//womenshistory. about. com/od/africanamerican/a/black_women. htm

Monday, May 20, 2019

Nike, Operational Strategy Essay

An example of an operational strategy I order was within the Nikeorganization. Nike was created in 1972, by co-founder Bill Bowerman & his University of Oregon runner Phil Knight. Together, with the people they hired, the company was able to conjure and expand from a U. S. based footwear distributor to a global marketer of athletic footwear, clothe & equipment that is unrivaled in the world today (www. nikeinc. com).Operations strategy is the development of a long end point plan for using the major resources of the firm for a high degree of compatibility between these resources & the firms long term corporate strategy (Schroeder & Rungusanatham, 2011). On May 5, 2010 Nikeunveiled one of its strategies & key initiatives to pass sustainable, long term growth across its global portfolio of brands & businesses (www. nikemedia. com) their plan consists of a revenue target of 27 billion by the end of 2015 and over 12 billion of free cash flow from trading operations through 2015.Nike also uses an outsourcing strategy, where they have subcontractors scattered throughout the globe. The cross functional decisions associated with a company of this order of magnitude is enormous & would involve a multitude of people and departments. Nikemain cross functional decision reservation process involved that of Dennis Dwyer, Senior Manager Footwear Division Vice President & CFO, Donald W. Blair President, Mark G. Parker divisional V. P. & General Manager, Craig Zanon V. P. of New Business Development, Clare L. Hamill GM, Kirk Richardson and Director of Communications, Jack Gould (www. ifestagingblog. com).There are two types of strategies involved with the picture chain strategy and they are imitative and innovative (Schroeder & Rungusanatham, 2011). Imitative strategies generally relies on following or imitating other companies, while having predictable demand, are efficient and have a low cost render chain. The Innovative strategy is different from other companies but may still have a build of sameness imitation, whereas there is unpredictable demand, are flexible and have a fast supply chain.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Joseph’s Story

B. Cellular processes and tissue layer functions that will be affected if Josephs soreness stopped would be as follows. Oxygen, glucose, and requisite ions that are required for the heart to pump will slow down. Each of his cells will know to work harder and faster which uses up his pushing supply. Carbon dioxide levels inside the cells will rise, which causes his PH to drop. The mitochondria will run out of oxygen and glucose to make essential ATP, which eventually causes the cells to die. Active transport pumps will shut down the plasma membranes of his heart which in chase away causes sodium to leak into the cells and potassium to leak out.If heart stops the brain heap no nightlong function and if the heart doesnt get oxygen soon, loss of O2 will eventually lead to death. C. deprivation of ATP affected the plasma membrane pumps and meant that calcium stopped moving from the cytosol into the endoplasmic reticulum of his cardiac muscularity cells. The plasma membrane protec ts cellular contents and mediates the entry and exit of substances. The cytosol is where metabolic reactions occur. The ER has two split, the uptight ER is covered by ribosomes and is attached to the nuclear envelope and smooth ER lacks ribosomes.Lysosome enzymes normally saltation safely inside vesicles began to digest the plasma membranes and the membranes of the organelles. The lysosomes are vesicles formed from Golgi complex and contain digestive enzymes. D. The coronary thrombosis muscles and the heart muscles are needed in order for Josephs body to be repaired. The coronary muscles have to be unblocked in order to reestablish blood flow to the heart and because of have suffering a massive heart attack parts of the muscle can become permanently legal injury, the remaining parts that are not damaged will need to be provided oxygen.E. without ATP, oxygen, and nutrients, multiple cellular processes affecting homeostasis can shut down. The proteins in the cell membrane that we re involved in the homeostatic imbalances of his heart cells were the plasma membrane itself, the cytosol where the calcium was removed, The ER, the cytoskeleton which was attacked by the proteases that spilled in the interior of the cell, and the lysosomes which were normally safely bound inside vesicles began digesting plasma membranes and the membranes of the rganelles. F. The damage to the cellular processes could have caused irreversible cell death in the brain within a offspring of minutes if oxygen is not available. Water balance, ionic equilibrium, and PH balance are all expose factors in the homeostasis of individual cells.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

“Pride and Prejudice”: Lady Catherine and Elizabeth Bennet Essay

In Jane Austens novel, self-respect and Prejudice, dame Catherine and Elizabeth bennet are absolute opposites.Jane Austen portrays Elizabeth Bennet as an intelligent, independent, yet strong character, in a soft and feminine manner. The cruel and dominating personality traits are left for characters such as gentlewoman Catherine. In Jane Austens novel, Pride and Prejudice, maam Catherine and Elizabeth Bennet are absolute opposites.Elizabeth is a realistic and consummate character, which makes all her qualities of strength and independence intensify and create an ideal stability between her emotions and what is reality. Her passion and kindle capability to stand her ground is just an introduction into her ability to be able to oversee the weak, the nave and the dominating. Elizabeth proves her daring abilities in her meeting with Lady Catherine, which leads to a battle between respect and independence. Elizabeth tested Lady Catherines desires for personal information by holding back her true story, and Elizabeth suspected that she was the first wight who had ever dared to trifle with such dignified impertinence(124-125).Elizabeth is a character who has enough courage to discover her faults and her inaccuracy. After reading Darcys letter, she distinguished the fact that she had judged him incorrectly. She scolded herself for her inaccurate scenes and for being blinded by her thoughts. She belittled no time in facing up to the unpleasant truth about herself How despicably I acted. Till this moment I never truly knew myself(156). Her character is greatly respected and creditable for admiration. She is a character that is undeniably strong and intellectual, and at the same time fascinating.Lady Catherine is introduced into the novel as an extremely wealthy character. She has a desire to let others know of their inferior rank. Lady Catherine takes pleasure in involving herself in other peoples affairs. Without any hesitation, she recommends her advice when ever she feels necessary. She believes it is part of her right to inform people of how they should conduct their lives. She voices her opinion periodically throughout the novel, and makes her opinions clear,You know I always speak my mind, and I cannot bear the idea of 2 young women traveling post by themselves I have the greatest dislike in the homo of that sort of thing I am glad it occurred to me to mention it(pg.158-159).One of Lady Catherines well-nigh evident characteristics is her necessity and enjoyment of receiving flattering compliments. She loves to hear compliments from others because it allows her to keep her authority intact. Lady Catherine isnt full of independence and strength because she thrives off other peoples inferior status. Lady Catherine entrust not think the worse of you for being poorly dressed. She likes to have the distinction of rank preserved (Mr. Collins, p.120). Lady Catherine is an uncomplicated character that feels disgusted by others who try to contradict her.Throughout the novel it is evident that the characteristics of Elizabeth Bennet and Lady Catherine, are at many times, repealed against each other. Most noticeable to the novel is that Lady Catherine seems to alone lack the capacity for reflection and self-awareness, while Elizabeth masters these traits and is able to use them to strengthen her personal traits. The 2 personalities of Lady Catherine and Elizabeth are so offset that it creates a feel of constant hostility between the twain characters. Jane Austens novel, Pride and Prejudice, represents the qualities of independence and lack of self-awareness between the two characters, Lady Catherine and Elizabeth Bennet, who differ completely.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Intercultural Communication Essay

thither is al ways the existence of power in the inn when people communicate, although it might non be evidently observed. At most instances, communication is fictitious to take place mingled with affect people, but this might not always be the case. there be basically different types of hierarchy that exists in the society which makes some people to be much regent(postnominal) than former(a)s. This is a communication that takes place in intercultural communication.Those who are powerful either knowingly or unknowingly creates an environment that makes their communication more profound, indeed asserting their authority over the others. People place be found in one communication group due to in automatic or voluntary cases. Involuntary come abouts for instance when a person is of a certain sexual practice, race, ethnic group, age and physical ability. The voluntary orientation occurs because of education background, geographic location, marital status, and socio- scotch status.Basically those in the dominant group of communication ordinarily impede those who are not in the same category with them. The most powerful in the society in terms of communication are usually similarly more privileged when it comes to many issues. There are some power relations that are usually rigid than others. For instance, power that occurs between gender is more rigid in changing than power that occurs for instance in a relationship between a student and a teacher.There are however many complication that prat occur in intercultural communication due to the barriers that exists. The minority have been mostly powerless in communication compared with the other groups in the society. Basically the whites have always believed to be superior over many minority groups, curiously the blacks. This is being ethnocentric. Many developed countries have looked down upon the less developed countries especially from Africa as they believe that the people from these countries can not be equated with them.The blacks whether immigrants or those who were born in the developed countries thus persist to be seen as less important people in the society, hence can not tear down be listened to, or be given an opportunity to prove their prowess in any reach by the whites. The white race believes to be the most dominant race than all the other races, hence undermining the rest. Many of the black people are also stereotyped in the American society. Many blacks can be found to be imprisoned more than the whites, yet in essence, it can not be said that the blacks are the ones who commit crimes more than the whites.But because of stereotypes, they are just considered to be naturally criminals. all black seen walking around the white dominated area is usually looked at as a person who is bound to commit a crime even if a person has got no much(prenominal) intentions. This can occur because of generalizing issues that blacks are criminals, yet the whites commit crimes just as the blacks. In fact, because of stereotypes, the black rum is more likely to receive punishment or a harsher punishment than a white shady charged with the same offence.In most cases, stereotypes occur in unconscious manner, thus the only way to overcome it is by having a conscious way of avoiding it. In many white homes, children might learn up hearing the N word often used by their parents against the black people, hence the children also grow up with the same stereotypic nature the elders have over the blacks. Because of stereotype and harm that is rampant in the society against the blacks, they usually summon themselves victims of discrimination.The blacks have been discriminated over many issues in the society ranging from political, social, and economic perspectives. In many instances, the blacks have been denied equal opportunity in the society by the more powerful whites. Discrimination can be exhibited in variant forms that include subtle non verbal to verbal insults. Because of prejudice and stereotyping the less powerful people find themselves being even eliminated in the society through various means that can include genocide. This is a very mild form of discrimination. Discrimination can be at interpersonal or institutional level.Although there are nowadays less cases of interpersonal discrimination, the institutional level discrimination are still very high. At institutional level, the blacks are usually denied equal representation in different institutions in the society compared to their white counterparts. As already explained, the blacks usually find themselves at the wrong hand of the law more than the whites, not because the blacks commit crimes than whites, but because the law enforcers are bound to look for mistakes among the blacks than they would do with the whites.Discrimination is even evident in the law paying personal line of credit application fields in which a white man, who has got a criminal record, has got highe r chances of getting assiduous than a black man who has got a clean criminal record. In such a case, the employer is not interested in the records of the employees, but rather concerned with the race of the applicant. Therefore, despite many efforts that are site in the society to show that there is equality in different spheres, intercultural communication still plays as a major hindrance in the achievement of this.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Rudolf Laban

Rudolf Laban (1879-1958) is considered to be one of the founders of European Modern Dance. He was a dancer, choreographer and movement theoretician. In his new ideas on dance notation and infrangible belief that dance should be available for everyone he has transformed modern dance and dance education. after(prenominal) refusing to Join the army, as his father had planned for him, aged 33 he moved to Munich as an artist. His anterior study of architecture in Paris led to him to develop an interest for the moving body and its spaces.It was in Germany he furthered this interest by spending his summertime trying to redesign Bewegungskunst (the art of movement). In 1919 Rudolf Laban amaze up two Dance Theatre Companys, a movement class for armatures, opened a chief(prenominal) dance school, wrote articles and books, performed himself and also choreographed. In 1927 he moved to Berlin and opened the Choreographisches Institut and 3 years later he was appointed director of movement an d choreographer of the Prussian State Theatres in Berlin.After failing to Join the Nazi focussing of life in 1936, his name and work was destroyed by the Government Propaganda Ministry whilst at the height of his career. So in 1938 he took refuge in Britain. When Rudolf Laban was sixty he began to introduce dance study methods such as Labans analysis (splitting the analysis of dance into 4 simple categories action, space, dynamic, relationship) with the help of Lisa Ullmann. Then finally in 1946 he opened the Movement Studio in Manchester.Rudolf Laban (1879-1958) is considered to be one of the founders of European Modern Dance. He was a dancer, choreographer and movement theoretician. In his new ideas on dance notation and strong belief that dance should be available for everyone he has transformed modern dance and dance education. opened the Movement Studio in Manchester. and also choreographed. In 1927 ne moved to Berlin and opened t turtnered this interest by spending his summer trying to redesign egungskunst

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

German Civilization(New German Cinema) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

German Civilization(New German Cinema) - Essay Example later on the World War II, German pictorial matter industry was in great turmoil due to the division of Germany wherein many people got separated from their families. Most films in 1950s were characterized as escapist entertainment by critics because they shied away to address contemporary issues although they remained popular among German audience. However, with the advent of television box-office collection of such films began move drastically and motion-picture shows began to close. At the beginning of 1960s, German film industry became not only economically assailable due to lack of creative and artistic touch but was struggling for its survival. That is evident from the fact that in 1961, none of the German film got entry at the prestigious Venice Film Festival.That was also the time when the German market was largely in control of Hollywood movies. Film industry, especially young and talented film makers greatly needed financial support without which it was im manageable for them to either make films or compete with Hollywood films in German market due to latters financial strength. The German governments support in this respect providing financial stability to the New German Cinema came very handy. Many makers of the New German Cinema also collaborated with the German TV. This is in sharp contrast with Hollywood movies where they compete with local TV for audience. The German governments support to the New Cinema through tax reliefs and bank credits make it possible for young makers to produce some of the great movies. Thus, the New German Cinema not only survived on government funding and support but prospered too to be touted as National Cinema. Many films in The New German Cinema ran packed houses around the world. In other words, it helped made the national cinema popular internationally.The Oberhausen Manifesto is known as the beginning of the New German Cinema. Films made during this era made a clear departure from traditional cinema

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Macro economic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Macro economic - try ExampleAny interchange bank which achieves its inflation objective but damages output in a way unacceptable to the community will not keep its mandate for long. It is the recognition of this request which has produced a voluminous discussion and academic literature, which basically asks the question -central and basic prices (principally wages) will improvement faster than this .There is, of course, also the very substantial danger that a rise in non-tradeable prices faster than the pit inflation rate will trigger an asset boom, particularly in the classic non-traded asset of sincere estate square-toedty. There is also the issue that, compared with the situation before the capital inflow and appreciation of the rally rate, interest rates will have to fall we know that the extra capital inflows are putton the exchange rate. Following the reasoning I have outlined so far, the proper rejoinder to this is to allow the exchange rate to appreciate. To the exte nt that this is a long-term or structural change, the inflation targeting fashion model would allow the appreciation to be reflected in inflation, to the extent that it meant that non-traded (domestic) prices would rise faster than the target.On most counts, this is o.k. - it is proper that relative price between tradeables and non-tradeables changes (in order to encourage the current account deficit that is the counterpart of the financial capital inflows).a) i ) The introduction of a lagged output gap in this equation is important for analyse inflation and price-level targeting. Conceptually, the lag will be introduced any time friction prevents instantaneous and complete tolerance of output to unexpected changes in the price level. The second equation explains monetary growth. In other words, what the central bank does. Here, they react to offset the output gap (but with a lag), but they do so imperfectly,fanny F. Muth (1961)

Monday, May 13, 2019

History response 11 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

History response 11 - Assignment Exampleanticipated that Castro was someone he may well work with, since Cuban leader explored New York and Washington seeking both public and official support. But affiliations deteriorated after the Cubas Agrarian transformation rule nationalized land possessed by American firms. Both corporate lobbyists and nipping War hawks soon portrayed Castro as a Soviet threat on Americas doorstep. As tensions increased, Castro sent Che Guevara to Moscow and Beijing to shore up support for his regime while the Eisenhower ecesis drew up plans for invasion. Having this and Che being a Chinese collaborator, the relations between China and Britain melted. At arrange day, therefore, the medium of exchange has changed to numerous mediums unlike opium which was used in the former years by china and Britain(Goscha et al 7).The Great Leap scheme that was founded by Maos authority was unsuccessful. The steel organize in small shared furnaces was practically ineffec tive coupled with food production that plunged since many volume died in the scarcity that resulted. By 1961 the collapse of the Great Leap Forward guided the more pragmatic experts in the Communist Party to lessen Maos authority slowly while transformation rationality to financial preparation (Goscha et al 30).Yet still, Maos conviction in the ply of ground-breaking eagerness would inspire a younger age group of revolutionaries. Guevara was amongst those involved in the Chinese counterpart as an option to both free enterprise (capitalism) and the heavy Soviet form of technocratic communism (Goscha et al 41). This shows both a good example of youth culture as seen in schemes that he organise and also a bad instance on the youth, signified by his failures on food

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Applied Economics-Using SAS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Applied Economics-Using SAS - designation ExampleThese factors are not, however, explicitly correlated as poorer nations have been identified as potential forthcoming economies provided that health care phthisis is minimal.On the other hand, the consideration of precept quality affects the level of scotch output of the nation at hand. Hence, among the research questions that this exercise seeks to answer include What is the relationship between education and population growth and the associated impacts? Additionally, the relationship between health expenditure and population growth provides room for analyzing the cause of resources to fund some sectors while others, which in differ in priority, are postponed. In order to pick up that the frugal theory provides insight into the aspect of whether related sparing functions have any influence on the other. For instance, this section involves the use of Statistics Analysis Software (SAS) from which regression tests are performed to provide the desired information to act to the research questions. By using regression analyses, the relationships between education and population, population and health, and education & health care. Although the economic theory aims at solving economic dilemmas, it is also used to analyze the foreseeable dilemmas. For instance, one of the dilemmas that economic analysts have to deal with is the identification of opportunity costs when managing public funds. It is feared that situations that call for decisions that are almost every bit sound, the implicit benefits may fall short of explicit benefits. Consider an economic situation in which the gross domestic product is affected by the health expenditure. Data analyzed in this section considers population growth, education expenditure, and health expenditure of Argentina, Brazil, United States, Canada, Germany, France, India, Japan, New Zealand, and Australia as some of the major economies facing education and health expenditure issues (SchreiberWWII, 1).One among the

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Literature review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Literature review - Essay ExampleAncient occidental viewpoint Intellectually In the early period of the High pose Ages, the Islamic communities had greatly contributed to the bright growth of the European people. Goddard (2000) stated that the medieval Muslim scholars (e.g., Averroes) had translated into Arabic language the scientific ideas and philosophies of the classicals such as Aristotle (Goddard, 2000 97). He further noted that it was in the eleventh century that the Europeans were able to obtain, translate, and read the works of the Greek scientists and philosophers via their Arabic version. Goddard (2000) said that there were two specific European locations wherein the readings and translations of the Arabic texts of the Greek intellectuals were made Spain and Sicily. By and large, Muslims were viewed by the medieval Christians, based from Goddards analysis, as transmitters of scientific knowledge and intellectual tradition (Goddard, 2000 98). economically Moreover, Glic k (2005) said that the Islamic communities had greatly shaped the notion and praxis of urbanization for the pre-11th century European people. introductory to A.D. 1000, the administration of justice practiced by the Christian nation-state of Iberian descent was dispersed among a multiplicity of institutions or courts throughout the land (Glick, 2005 113). In contrast, the administration of justice prominent in Islamic communities was remarkably concentrated in the al-Andalus towns. With respect to urban practices, the influence of Muslims to the medieval Iberian Christians took place when the former created the al-Andalus country as an international market in the 8th-century period. Here, European Christians perceived Muslims as civilized people with passing organized activities pertaining to urban function. Glicks reading of medieval Spanish urbanization significantly viewed Islam as the booster shot of civilization as we know it today concentrated at the center. Theologically In spite of the contributions of Islam to the saving and institution of knowledge and urbanization, the European elite had attempted to demonize, and eventually succeeded in demonizing, the expanding Muslim communities. Tolan (1996), p.xv) described how motherfucker the Venerable, a Christian abbot of Cluny, travelled to Spain in order to meet and convince its king for a sinister plot of attacking Islam (Tolan, 1996 xv). The abbot of Cluny conceived a plan to rationally criticize the ideas and teachings characterized in the Islamic faith through the aid of the king of Castile and Leon, Peter the Venerable created a team of translators with the main proletariat of translating the Quran and other Islamic texts from Arabic to Latin language (Tolan, 1996). Thence, Christian scholars attacked the philosophy or ideas prominent in the Islamic texts. In the process, they perceived the Muslims as akin to pagans or heretics (Lumbard, 2009 156). Militarily In the Early Middle Ages, it must be noted that Islam was not highly considered by the medieval Christians as a holiness in

Friday, May 10, 2019

Memo Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

memo - Case Study ExampleAiring of this content was done by only few state among the CBS employees however, they failed on their duties. In this case the entire CBS is held responsible of actions of the employees who aired the content in the course of trade union movement their duties.FCC had earlier come up with three ethics, these are explicit scenery of the portrayal of sexual organs or activities. The substance dwells on or repeats at extent portrayal of sexual organs or activities. The last one is whether the substance appears to tamper or is used to titillate, or whether it may intensify the presumptive indecency of broadcast. FCC has made all the principles and laws clear whereby any form of exposure is prohibited by the law.Pacifica altercate on FCCs fleeting expletives is a decent illustration of infringement of the set standards and principles by FCC. Amid a mid-afternoon communicate show George Carlins monolog, was publicized by a radio station. The monologs had smudge d words in it that shouldnt be said in an open wireless transmission. The audience members were cautioned prior of a probability of sensitive and law-breaking dialect. Later a protestation was sent to FCC by a man who claimed to have listened to the show while driving with his new(a) child. As a result of the fact that monologue contained non-scripted spoken vulgarity obscene words during a live radio broadcast makes it an fleeting expletiveThe FCC and Fox can be used as a prime example in this case whereby the ABC claimed to having not received a fair advertisement preceding to the broadcasts in question from FCC. This is the fact that fleeting invectives and short-lived nudity could actionably be free-base indecent, , however the FCCs over-all policy is clear and which requires it to have a context-specific inspection of each purportedly offensive program with an aim of determining whether it needs censuring or not. However, I concur that the centerori renunciation by the moto r lodge is incorrect that the Super Bowl

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Response to Progressive Reforms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Response to Progressive Reforms - Essay ExampleThe source of rough pen 2 is of the opinion that state-of-the-art reformers did restrain the power of American capitalism. According to the writer, the advancing reformers were successful in their quest by demanding better-working conditions, regulating the economy, and fighting for women rights. The writers draft captures the socio-economic get of the reform movement but does not expound on the political aspects that the reformers sought to improve. As such, this draft would be improved by noting that progressive reformers had an impact on American politics by ever-changing the policies and principles that the nation was founded on. Progressive reformers had an impact on domestic policies as they advocated for the protection of the unretentive and workers from capitalists tendencies through anti-trust laws. Also, progressive reformers called for redistribution of resources and government regulation of commerce and production. Moon ey also notes that progressives advocated for government regulation in the employment of women (60). The government instituted reforms that enabled poor Americans benefit from the available resources and also regulated aspects regarding commerce and production. As such, the basis of todays liberalism that permeates in American politics has its roots from progressivism, showing that indeed progressive reformers affected the political sphere as much as the socio-economic aspects. The quote to apply and best answer the question as the writer think would be that the reforms.

Human Nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

world Nature - Essay ExamplePrimarily, I believe one of the biggest problems in the determination of any separate part of piece temper do lie in the fact that we are all born(p) from the influences coming out from the outside. All humans are part of human nature and can be changed as they assure and grow with the world around them. Humans do have ethics of caring, and if human capacity to caring is not practiced an individual loses his or her ability to care. However, I see a similar situation since human ability to caring is not inherent, but rather humans learn how to care.I also find another issue with several past and historic ideas concerning human nature lying within the context of human nature and how philosophers have approached it. While my beliefs may be stuck in God, I cannot support the use of the supernatural being as the main reason behind a universal human nature. This is because there exist several inconsistencies in the beliefs of humans. In conclusion, human n ature leave continue being a topic of debate for many years as humans try out to label and prove using science the existence of human

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Assessment of Nursing Care Using Simulation Essay

Assessment of Nursing Care Using Simulation - Essay ExampleBelow is a detailed explanation the students competencies that simulations can evaluate and how the evaluation and assessment would be carried out. The first competence that simulations in breast feeding can assess is the communication skills of the nursing students. Good communication skills are a snappy quality that should be possessed by every nurse who claims to be professional. Simulation can be used to track the improvements made by nurses with regard to communication skills because according to Gaba (2004), simulation is too a pecker that improves the students communication skills. Gabas sentiments were seconded by some recent researches done by Kameg et al. (2010). If simulations can be used to improve the communication skills of the student nurses, then they sure can be structured to also assess every individual nurses communication skills and any improvement they might exhibit over their learning period. The sim ulation used in this manner can be an important tool for nurses assessment. It is important to note that assessment can also be made by the students who may exigency to evaluate their communication skills and their progress over time by tracking their performance in confused simulated tests. Simulation can also be used to assess the nursing skills of a nursing student. Simulation in the nursing field started with an objective of instilling psychomotor techniques into aspiring nurses but afterwards broadened its boundaries to incorporate the use of skills in certain nursing related areas.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Fall of the Berlin wall Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

The Fall of the Berlin wall - Research Paper ExampleThere had been sundry(a) attempts to explore the diachronic incidents that showed the way to the creation and the fall of the wall. efficient and political factors soak up played important roles in the fall as well as the making of the wall. Patrik Major (2010 p.23) has investigated the diachronic events during the fall of the Berlin wall and rightly puts it as, Existing accounts of the second Berlin crisisstarting with Khrushchevs 1958 ultimatum and ending with the twist of the Wall in 1961have treated it primarily as an episode in international relations, the classic superpower confrontation of the European Cold War. Many have regarded the creation of the Berlin Wall as a historical event that brought forth severe changes in the social life of many western countries. The aim of this paper is to describe the historical event and explore the historical as well as the contemporary causes of the event. Furthermore, the paper is analyzing the polar historical interpretations of this event and evaluating its positive and negative outcomes.When one analyses the fall of the Berlin Wall, one should also be aware of the factors lead to the creation of the Wall. The website entitled Why the Berlin wall was built (2000) finds out two major reasons for the building of the Wall, namely, Economical and Political. The Economic reason was, Too many well-educated people moved from East Germany, and some worked in West Berlin and lived in East Berlin so DDR lost money on this The interference of the West Germany in the East side was the political reason for the building of the Wall (Why the Berlin wall was built 2000). The dominance of different countries in the different sectors of Berlin also has exerted decisive roles in the building of the Wall. But one of the prominent reasons for its building is the brain drain of the West Germany during the years 1954 -1960s. Historical records show

Monday, May 6, 2019

English literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

English literature - Essay ExampleThe two heroes fought in opposing sides during the trojan horse wars and their encounters are accounted in odyssey and Aeneid respectively. Odysseus ruled Ithaca and he is regarded as one of the greatest kings and hero of his time. On the new(prenominal) hand, Aeneas was a warrior from Troy who had a papist/Italian heritage. The two char dressers share many similarities in their gentility and attitude towards nobility. Born in noble families, the two heroes chose to defy some norms associated with their social class. However, they were both spectral and true to their calling and social status. Certainly, Odysseus and Aerneas had different social status and commanded different forms of respect from their followers and crack citizens. The two characters reveal how the Romans and Greek valued brevity and war heroes. Indeed, the two characters gained their status from two different events/wars that are rather similar. Odysseus earned his title from a brave idea that led to victory during the strife of the Trojans. During this episode, Odysseus plan and execute a heroic move by sending alcohol to Greek soldiers. after the Greeks were drunk and asleep, Odysseus and his men descended on them slaughtering them all. Similarly, Aeneas gave motivational talks to the Trojans before they went into the battlefield. Certainly, Odysseus and arenas had a different opinion and obligations to the republic. Aerneas believed that individually Roman citizen had a duty and a responsibility towards the state. According to his thinking, every Roman citizen had to remain un temporal and royal to the Roman race. The character upheld the two virtues and, he believed that the virtues had attached costs and rewards. Aerneas also complied with the will of the gods. He believed that they were the custodians of human destiny and his sole counsel. This is the main difference between the Greeks outlook toward fatality rate and personal conduct. In the course of his mission, Aerneas gains and command respect from the people leading to the creation of the Roman Empire. The Arneoid depicts that Aerneas sacrificed worldly pleasures for the sake of the Republic. For example, he failed to engage in sexual pleasure with women as other worriers did. According to him, the act was holly and it was meant for procreation rather than for pleasure. This basic virtue was to be included in the newly established Roman culture. Moreover, Aerneas chose to forsake his lover Dido in order to be in the Roman army. This shows his dedication to the service of the republic. point 2 The New volition is the textual basis for what became a new civilization, one that largely substituted Christian teachings for the religious, philosophical, and social values that prevailed in the classical, that is the Greek and Roman world. The New Testament particular the New Testament has considerable similarity with the works of profound classical authors such as Homer , Plato, and Virgil. The New Testament has enceinte contradiction with other classical literature. In particular, the New Testament is written from a spiritual perspective rather than a worldly perspective. Certainly, nearly all classical writers had an ideal physical republic or a city that defined their views towards life and the role of humanity. On the other hand, Jesus referred to the heavenly state that did not resemble anything in this world, as we know it. In this reference, the heavily kingdom as envisioned in the New Testament

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 21

Research Paper Exampleounding, the Toyota company was trying to contribute to a more prosperous society by means of manufacturing its automobiles and operating with a focus on vehicle production and sales (History of Toyota, n.d.). In the present time, the biggest Toyota competitors are the General Motors, the American automobile corporation, For Motors, the American company and Honda Motor Company, the Japanese automobile enterprise. The company is guided by the master(prenominal) principles, which are to honor the language and spirit of law of that country where it operates, contribute to the economic and social education through corporate activities, provides clean and safe products and to increase the flavour of life through sustaining the high quality of the activities of company (Guiding Principles at Toyota, n.d.).There is no other industry in the world that the automotive unrivaled with the largest volume, capital, employees and annual turnover. Therefore, history knows hundreds of companies which emerged in order to display the certain country or the world their aver provision in such industry. Toyota Motor Corporation is among them, having the long history of its performing and the story in which it faced challenges that taught it how to become the best Asian product known in the global market. However, due to the strong competitiveness, the immediate, impending and invisible, and the wide range of offers that Toyotas competitors are ready to provide to their customers, the company should always speak up of new strategies and ways of how to improve its performance in order to stay on the world leash position. The important strategic marketing objective of Toyota is to build sales by widening the market. Therefore, Toyota moved towards in its product branding from the corporate branding concept, presenting its Lexus as the outcome of this strategy.As it is seen on the Figure 1, in that location is an increase in sales and production of Toyota vehicles since 2008 (Review of operations, 2014). Moreover,

Friday, May 3, 2019

Design option evaluation report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Design option evaluation report - Essay object lessonMoreover, direct radiation are normally scattered by the atmosphere (Heard, 2006). Alterations of temperature have been depicted to appreciably affect reaction speed for particular trace compounds.Facts that strongly influence the design of a smogginess put up and its corresponding auxiliaries for studying reactions under diverse simulated tropospheric conditions are mainly concentration of chemicals and temperature. kickoff concentration of members in spite of appearance the chemical reactions presents both analytical complications and stringent demands on the underlying cleanliness of the air utilise to make up the reaction mixture (Burrows, Borrell & Platt, 2011). Humidity ought to be controlled. The materials of construction ought not to introduce considerable concentrations of impurities or react with the existing components of the reaction mixture (Heard, 2006). The radiation sources employed for irradiation of the smog chamber contents ought to simulate the intensity and peculiar distribution existing within the lower troposphere in the phantasmal locations and corresponding temporal distributions in the reaction chamber ought to be as even as feasible.In China, some small volume smog chamber have been developed to study gas-phase kinetic mechanisms, which precisely temperature controlled indoor smog chamber made of FEP Teflon film to study the SOA formation. Nevertheless,the small volumes of these smog chambers impact the disadvantage of relatively large wall effects thus making it cumbersome for the experiments of great durations.There exist numerous means to study photochemical smog, with the most common one universe utilizing data from a smog chamber to establish a reaction model (Burrows, Borrell & Platt, 2011). Smog chamber facility is utilized to excite atmosphere photochemical reactions processes through irradiating primary pollutants namely NOz and corresponding hydrocarbons within the chamber. In 1952, a serious case of

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Why All New Buildings Should Be Eco-Friendly Essay

Why All New Buildings Should Be Eco-Friendly - Essay ExampleBesides, on that point is a general perception that developing eco-friendly build means disregard for aesthetic values. As a result, eco-friendly buildings are still non so widespread. The speak tos of developing an eco-friendly building vary from building to building most of them are more monetary valuely than conventional buildings. For instance, in order to minimise the effects on environment, the risk mitigation fee of eco-friendly buildings is near three times higher than it is of conventional ones, as salubrious as the overheads during construction are up to four times more (Newell 2008). Beside these costly inputs, the chief bar which causes investors are costly home and commercial property integration of energy efficient technologies which do not offer returns to the investors. Obviously, the owners will save their energy fee from these technologies but the builders can only balance these inputs by selling in higher prices which may cause losing the potential customers consequently. Another problem related to cost efficiency is that the market perceives the cost of capital and construction of eco-friendly building increase significantly as steps are established. Before a new eco-friendly building could be put on the market, it has to be scrutinized by loaded criterion to be qualified as eco-friendly this entails more money spending on building maintenance. For example, in Australia, it takes more than one year to be certified as Green Star which is a standard launched by Green Building Council Australia (GBCA), and about 8 percent of total financial investment hand over to be paid for advertising, management and equipments maintaining during this period (Newell 2008). However, in the long run, the return of eco-friendly buildings will out performs the cost invested (Kozlowski 2003 in Miller and Buys 2008).

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Businesses Need to Be Knowledgeable about Information Literacy to Research Paper

Businesses Need to Be well-educated about Information Literacy to Warrant Better Performance - Research Paper ExampleInformation literacy is pivotal for long-term learning and helps people apply theoretical intimacy into practice. Information literacy is practised in various fields to achieve excellence in the task being performed. It consists of five fundamental steps. The first deuce steps include gaining knowledge about the nature of information required, and effective retrieval of the information from disparate sources the remaining steps include a critical analysis of the retrieved information and establishment of its credibility, application of the knowledge into practice, and the use of this information within the circles of morality and ethics. Information literacy plays an integral role in every field, particularly in health care and education. With the unprecedented rise in challenges to leadership like new cultures, markets, and railway line environments, it is neces sary for professionals to have an acute understanding of information literacy and its applications in their respective fields (Smith, 2009).Enterprise throw away Management Office (EPMO) uses information literacy to improve upon learnedness, practice and leadership. EPMO is an organization serving to standardize and improve declare oneself management skills to assist the company in managing its affairs. An effective leader integrates both scholarship and practice in producing a resource that encompasses the characteristics of both the theory and its practicability. Also, the organization has constructed its approach on this three-fold ideology of integrating leadership, practice, and scholarship together in obtaining a mix that promotes business research and effective management (Symond, 2009). Gill Nicholls (2005) expectation on scholarship involves reflection and dissemination, engaging the academic community through communication, peer evaluation, and peer recap (p. 140).